Lethal Dino Utilities

Paid Lethal Dino Utilities 1.29

No permission to buy ($29.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.22
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required


(no config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.21
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added compatibility with Name Control to allow bypassing name restrictions for auto set names.
Name Control Ascended v1.11 or newer
Fixed /cryo hp loss issues

(no config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.20
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added follow distance settings (low and lowest)
    "AutoFollowLowest": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Lowest",
      "Default": false
    "AutoFollowLow": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Low",
      "Default": false
Added a limit (Value) for the CryoAOE command.
Added Command cooldowns and a new message.
    "CooldownActive": {
      "Message": "Command '{0}' is on cooldown for {1}",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 10.0,
      "Color": "Yellow"
Added new chat commands Kill, KillAOE, ChangeImprint and DinoStats
Added new dino settings BaseCloningCost and CloningCostPerLevel
Added new messages FailedCommand, ChangeImprint, KillAOE and Kill
Cryo commands text filtering updated to check BP and Name now.
Added the ability to disable commands in X range of enemy structures and allow near allies bypass.
      "PreventNearEnemyStructures": true, //true will prevent this command from being used near enemy structures //true will prevent this command from being used near enemy structures
      "AllowNearAllies": true, //true will allow this command to be used near allied structures when PreventNearEnemyStructures is true //true will allow this command to be used near allied structures when PreventNearEnemyStructures is true
    "PreventNearEnemyStructuresRange": 10, //Range in foundations to prevent commands from being used near enemy structures
    "IgnoreStructuresForCommandCheck": [ //List of structures to ignore when checking for enemy structures (use green admin gun to get structure class names)
      "DeathItemCache", //Partial matching matches all death caches
Added supporting message:
    "NearEnemyStructures": {
      "Message": "Command is disabled when near enemy structures.",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 6.0,
      "Color": "Yellow"
Fixed crash from AB release
Added support for WShop points (Automatically uses ArkShop or WShop points when charging points)

(config changes to General, ChatCommands, ServerDefaults, GlobalDinoSettings, DinoSettings and Messages)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.20 Beta 7
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added follow distance settings (low and lowest)
    "AutoFollowLowest": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Lowest",
      "Default": false
    "AutoFollowLow": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Low",
      "Default": false
Added a limit (Value) for the CryoAOE command.
Added Command cooldowns and a new message.
    "CooldownActive": {
      "Message": "Command '{0}' is on cooldown for {1}",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 10.0,
      "Color": "Yellow"
Added new chat commands Kill, KillAOE, ChangeImprint and DinoStats
Added new dino settings BaseCloningCost and CloningCostPerLevel
Added new messages FailedCommand, ChangeImprint, KillAOE and Kill
Cryo commands text filtering updated to check BP and Name now.
Added the ability to disable commands in X range of enemy structures.
    "PreventCommandsNearEnemyStructures": true, //true will prevent commands from being used near enemy structures within the PreventCommandsNearEnemyStructuresRange
    "PreventCommandsNearEnemyStructuresRange": 10 //Range in foundations to prevent commands from being used near enemy structures
Added supporting message:
    "NearEnemyStructures": {
      "Message": "Commands are disabled when near enemy structures.",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 6.0,
      "Color": "Yellow"
Fixed crash from AB release

(config changes to General, ChatCommands, ServerDefaults, GlobalDinoSettings, DinoSettings and Messages)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.18
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Twins and Triplets now work when set to 100% (1.0) chance.

(no config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.17
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with some stats being updated correctly when Min and Max were same value.

(no config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.16
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Disabled /uncryo in boss arenas.
Fixed cuddle timers with cryo commands

(no config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.15
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Updated valid tokens for modifying the display values for DinoStatsNaming and DinoStatsPointNaming messages
{Gender} //shows M or F
{HealthValue} //Shows total HP
{HealthPoints} // Shows base stat points + mutated points
{HealthPointsTamed} //Shows only Tamed stat points added
{HealthPointsMutated} //Show only mutated stat points
{HealthPointsAll} //Shows Base + Tamed + Mutated stat points

(no required config changes)
Lethal Dino Utilities v1.14
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed dino stat naming bugs.
Fixed /hatch creating level 1 dinos in certain cases.
Fixed BlockUnCryoOnMaps not working.
Added new message if command target is not found:
    "NoTarget": {
      "Message": "Did not find a valid target, you have to look at the creature/egg to use the command.",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 3.0,
      "Color": "Yellow"
(config changes to Messages)