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Foppa's Vote Rewards 3.2.1
Upcoming Features:
  • Auto Rewards
  • Leaderboard
  • Token Rewards
  • Random Dino Coloring
  • More TBA
  • Reward Kits (Lootbox, Shuffle Rewards)
  • Permission based Rewards
  • Reward users for votes with items, dinos and commands
  • Reward users with shop points (fixed or random amount)
  • Multiple or Only rewards 1 time per vote, so if you have multiple servers in the cluster, as long as you're using the same vote keys your players can't get multiple rewards from the same vote site as they must wait for the 12 / 24 hour cooldown period to pass
  • Gamble based rewards & Statics rewards
  • Percentage based reward chance: 1.0 = 100%, 0.1 = 10%, 0.59 = 59%, 0.33 = 33%, 0.01 = 1%
  • Ability to set fixed or random quantity for item rewards
  • Ability to set fixed or random quality for item rewards
  • Ability to set fixed or random chance of blueprint for item rewards
  • Ability to set fixed or random level for dino rewards
  • Supports multiple vote sites ( See supported sites below )
  • Anti vote site spam: vote timestamps are used to prevent players from mass spamming requests
  • Discord logging to make sure that your config rewards players as expected
  • Flexible config, remove what you don't need. For example, if you only have one voting site, remove the rest. If you don't want dinos to be rewarded, you can remove the whole dino section and so on.
  • Supports both steam and epic id's
  • Broadcast rare rewards to all the other players online! (Maybe makes them jealous for not voting enough or maybe it engage more PvP!)

How to disable Shop Point Rewards:
  • Set PointsMin and PointsMax to 0 or remove the option completely.

Chat Commands:
  • /claim - Checks for votes and rewards the player
  • /check - Check for votes but won't reward or claim any votes. Good for testing your server can reach the voting site.
  • /vr.test - Command to test rewards for all vote configs (skips the checking of an actual vote - used to test your config)
  • /vr.reload - Reloads config
  • vr.reload - Reloads config
  • vr.givereward - Manually gives a player a reward
    vr.givereward <steamid> <reward-kit> <reward-amount>

Supported Vote Sites:

  • the "Server Key" (Server API Key) is located on the manage server page.
  • the "API Key" is located on the manage your servers page.
  • the "Key" is located under my server and after you edit your server.
  • "Server Key" is located under the control panel and after you edit your server.

Looking to get supported?:
shoot me a pm if you are voting site owner and want your vote site supported in this plugin

How To Buy (Price: 30€)
  • Install the plugin.
  • Use the email you want to use for the account in the config
  • Pay through:
  • Create a ticket and message me your hwid, and transaction id in the ticket.
  • Once the license is active, you can simply use the command vr.reload

Note: 1 license is limited to 1 physical server, so multiple servers running on the same machine (HWID) would only need 1 license.
Digital product
License duration
1 Years
30.00 USD
Renewal price
15.00 USD
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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