DinoController - Balance Breeding / Dino Stats + QOL Commands

Paid DinoController - Balance Breeding / Dino Stats + QOL Commands 2.0

No permission to buy (£25.00)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Dino Controller Essentially Allows you to rebalance either all dinos globally or specific per pathway, therefore it works with any dino mod!

Level Caps

  • CAP a Stat either Globally or per dino blueprint - e.g. disallow certain dino speed going over specified amount
  • Every Stat is Capped Optionally, Meaning you can leave it uncapped

Breeding Modifier

  • Everything is modified Either Globally or Per Dino! Meaning that you can make certain dinos harder mutate compared to others.
  • Change Mutation Chance
  • Change The Amount of Mutations
  • Change the Amount of Mutation Rolls
  • Edit Minimum And Maximum Breeding Cooldowns
  • Disable Certain Dinos From Breeding

Leveling Modifiers

  • You can change leveling Multiplier for Every Stat either globally or specific to every dino!
  • You can disable stat leveling, for example if you have flyer speed enabled, disable speed leveling on some but not others
  • Can modify only certain stats, and for rest use server defaults

QOL Commands

  • All Command Names Can be reloaded in run time!
  • Basic Commands
  • With Basic Commands You Can Change
    • Name
    • Group Thats Allowed To Use It
    • Cooldown For Each Group That Uses it
    • Disable Any Command
  • /ChangeGender -> Changes Gender
  • /Mate -> Turns on mating
  • /Neuter -> Neuters target dino
  • /imprint
  • Imprints target baby dino
  • You can change the amount to imprint it by based on Players Group
  • E.G Player with default group would increase Dino's Imprint by 20% Whilst Admin can increase it by 100 for say.
  • /Grow
  • Increases Growth of target baby dino
  • Works with same principal as Imprint, Increases growth amount based on Permission Group

Range Based Commands

  • With Ranged Command you Can Change
    • Name of Command
    • Cooldown Based on Players Group
    • Range Based on Players Group
    • For Imprint / Grow Command you can increase Grow/Imprint amount based per Permission Group
  • Neuter AOE
  • Grow AOE
  • Imprint AOE
  • Mate AOE
  • MateOFF AOE
  • Hatch Eggs AOE
  • Claim Babies AOE
  • Cryo Babies AOE
  • Cryo Grown Dinos AOE
  • Reset Breeding Cooldowns AOE

RCON | Console Commands

  • DinoController.WipeCooldowns (Removes ALL Cooldowns)
  • DinoController.ResetPlayerCooldowns <EOSID> (Resets Players Cooldowns)
  • DinoController.reload (Reloads Config and Commands)

Additional Information

  • Runs Extremely Smooth, Tested with 100+ Dinos
  • Majority of Messages are Customizable, Therefore you can translate them!
  • Weekly Trials Are Available if you Contact me On Discord
  • if you want to buy multiple licenses a Discount can be applied!
  • This Plugin can increase sales and encourage rank upgrades on your ARK Server!
  • Many More Features are to come based on feedback!
  • After Purchase Contact Me On Discord For Your License!
  • Not all Features are Listed due to Updates!
Join Discord


  "General": {

    "LicenseKey": "",

    "CryopodBP_ToUse": "/Cryopods/Cryopods/PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod_Mod.PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod_Mod" // Pelas Cryo Mod -> Can use standard but its needed for cryobabies


  "MySQL": { //necessary for cluter wide cooldowns

    "HostAddress": "",

    "Username": "",

    "Password": "!",

    "Port": 3306,

    "Schema": "test"


  "Commands": {

    "ChangeGender": { // dont change the object names

      "Coammand": "/cg", //Command to be ran ingame, Reloading config will update it, no need to unload and load plugin, if you set the name to "" command wont be registered

      "Cooldowns": { //if you leave this empty, noone will be able touse the command (No Permission Error)

        "Default": 60, //Permission Group : Seconds Cooldown

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30



    "Neuter": {

      "Coammand": "/neuter", //neuter target (make it unbereedable)

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30



    "Mate": {

      "Coammand": "/mate", //turn on matig

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30



    "Imprint": {

      "Coammand": "/imprint", // imprint a target baby

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "ImprintAmount": {// Wil increase baby's imprint by this amount, for example if dino is imprinted to 60, Default Group would increase it to 70

        "Default": 10,

        "Admins": 100



    "Grow": {

      "Coammand": "/grow",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "GrowAmount": { // Wil increase baby's growth by this amount, for example if dino is imprinted to 60, Default Group would increase it to 70

        "Default": 10,

        "Admins": 100



    "NeuterAOE": {

      "Coammand": "/neuterAOE", //ranged command.

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": { //Specify The Range for Permission Group, 300 = 1 Foundation

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "GrowAOE": {

      "Coammand": "/growAOE", // Will Increaes All Baby's Ages in Specified Range and Specified Amount, and will set the cooldown according to permission group

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "GrowAmount": {

        "Default": 10,

        "Admins": 100


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "ImprintAOE": {

      "Coammand": "/imprintAOE", // Will Increaes All Baby's Imprints in Specified Range and Specified Amount, and will set the cooldown according to permission group

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "GrowAmount": {

        "Default": 10,

        "Admins": 100


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "MateAOE": {

      "Coammand": "/mateaoe", // Will Turn on Mating in Specified Radius

        "VIP": 0


      "Range": {

        "VIP": 7500



    "MateOFFAOE": {

      "Coammand": "/mateOFF", // Will Increaes All Baby's Ages in Specified Range and Specified Amount, and will set the cooldown according to permission group

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "ClaimBabies": { // will claim babies in range (Max 70)

      "Coammand": "/claimbabies",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "CryoBabies": { // will cryo babies and give them to inventory (max 70 at once)

      "Coammand": "/CryoBabies",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "CryoDinos": { // will ccryopod your grown dinos

      "Coammand": "/CryoDinos",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "ResetBreedingCooldownAOE": { //Will reset all breeding cooldowns in specified range

      "Coammand": "/reset",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900,

        "Admins": 1500,

        "Vip": 3600



    "HatchEggsAOE": { // will hatch all eggs in range

      "Coammand": "/hatchAOE",

      "Cooldowns": {

        "Default": 60,

        "Admins": 0,

        "Vip": 30


      "Range": {

        "Default": 900




  "DinoSettings": {

    "Global_BreedingSettings": {

      "MinBreedingCooldown": 60, //What breeding cooldown MIN to set for ALL dinos set to -1 to use Server defaulst

      "MaxBreedingCooldown": 180, //What breeding cooldown MAX to set for ALL dinos -1 to use Server defaulst

      "MutationChance": 0.025, // MUtation Chance this is 2.5% (1.0 is = 100%)

      "MinPointsPerMutation": 2, // How many points per mutation minimum

      "MaxPointsPerMutation": 12, // maximum poinst per mutation

      "MutationRolls": 3 // How many rolls to easily understand this ill put it this way If you set Mutation chance to 100%, the dino will have 3 mutation rolls,

      },                                       //Each roll will pick between 2 and 12 Points, making minimum 6 mutations maximum 36, but if its not 100% Getting 2nd and 3rd roll becomes much harder

    "Global_DinoStatLimits": {

      "Health": -1, // -1 means there is no cap

      "Stamina": -1,

      "Oxygen": -1,

      "Food": -1,

      "Weight": -1,

      "MeleeDamageMultiplier": 2000,

      "SpeedMultiplier": 160,

      "CraftingSpeedMultiplier": -1


    "Global_StatIncreasePerLevel": {

      "Enabled": true, //false will use server defaults (this overrides server default therefore its easier to manage your levelings)

      "Values": {

        "Health": {

          "ModifyValue": true, //if you set this to no will ues server defaults

          "Increase": 0.1 //if you set increase to -1 it will not allow you to level health on dinos, Configurable Error Message below!


        "Stamina": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.04


        "Oxygen": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.04


        "Food": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.04


        "Weight": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.04


        "MeleeDamage": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.08


        "Speed": {

          "ModifyValue": false,

          "Increase": 0.08


        "CraftingSkill": {

          "ModifyValue": true,

          "Increase": 0.04




    "DinoSpecificSettings": {

      "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/Stego_Character_BP.Stego_Character_BP'": { //dino blueprint

        "Breeding": {

          "AllowBreeding": true, //if false will prevent dino from dropping an egg or mating

          "MinBreedingCooldown": 1, //dino specific cooldown e.g if you want giga to have bigger cooldown -1 to use Server defaulst

          "MaxBreedingCooldown": 1,// -1 to use Server defaulst

          "MutationChance": 0.025, //dino specific mutation for example if you want giga to mutate less

          "MinPointsPerMutation": 2,

          "MaxPointsPerMutation": 12,

          "MutationRolls": 3 // explanation above


        "MaxStats": {

          "Health": 22000, //will cap stego at 22k HP

          "Stamina": -1, // no cap

          "Oxygen": -1,

          "Food": -1,

          "Weight": -1,

          "MeleeDamageMultiplier": 635,

          "SpeedMultiplier": 521,

          "CraftingSpeedMultiplier": -1


        "StatIncreasePerLevel": {

          "Enabled": true, //if disabled will use GLOBAL , which is above

          "Values": {

            "Health": {

              "ModifyValue": true, //if this is disabled it will also use Global which is ABOVE

              "Increase": 0.3


            "Stamina": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.5


            "Oxygen": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.5


            "Food": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.5


            "Weight": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.5


            "MeleeDamage": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.2


            "Speed": {

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.7


            "CraftingSkill": { //currently not uesd but wil be used for gachas later on

              "ModifyValue": true,

              "Increase": 0.5







  "Messages": { //fully configurable messages {0} is a placeholder or the first formatting value

    "ChangedGender": "Succesfully Changed Gender To {0}!",

    "DinoIsGenderless": "Dino Has No Gender!",

    "EnemyDino": "You Dont Own This Dino!",

    "NeuteredDino": "Dino is Neutered!",

    "SuccesfullyNeutered": "Dino Has Been Succesfully Neutered!",

    "NotAllowedCommandOnDino": "You are not allowed to use this command on this Dino!",

    "NoDinosInRange": "There is no dinos In range To Run This Command!",

    "Cooldown": "You Can Use This Command In {0}!",

    "Imprinted": "Succesfully Imprinted Dino By {0} Percent!",

    "Grow": "Succesfully Increased Growth By {0}!",

    "MateDinos": "Succesfully enabled mating on {0} Dinos!",

    "NeuterAOE": "Succesfully Neutered : {0} Dinos!",

    "HatchedEggs": "Succesfully Hatched : {0} Eggs!",

    "ImprintedDinos": "Succesfully Increased Imprint By : {0} for {1} Dinos!", // for example here whereever you put {0} it will fill in how much imprint was increased by and {1} will fill in amount of dinos, both values are a must

    "GrowDinos": "Succesfully Increased Growth By : {0} for {1} Dinos!",

    "ClaimedBabies": "Succesfully Claimed {0} babies!",

    "StatCapped": "This Stat is Capped at {0}!",

    "CantLevel": "Cant Level This Stat!",

    "NoPermissions": "You Have No Permission To Use This Command!",

    "MateOffDinos": "Succesfully Disabled mating on {0} Dinos!",

    "CryoBabies": "Succesfully Cryopoded : {0} Babies!",

    "CryoDinos": "Succesfully Cryopoded : {0} Dinos!",

    "ResetCD": "Succesfully Reset Cooldown for {0} Dinos!"


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. DinoController 2.0 | Modify Cryo Cooldowns per Group | Shop Integration | Many New Commands!

    New Commands SaddleDinos FinishGestationAOE DestroyBabiesAOE Feed AOE Wake AOE Other Features...

Latest reviews

Stable, solid plugin that does what it needs to
Works great