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Token Bank
This plugin was created mainly for other plugins to use as an API and central database for Tokens. As a plugin developer, if you have functions or commands you want to control by tokens, you can use this plugin's API to allow server owners to limit the use of specific commands.
Whether a command can be executed or not by a player depends on the amount of tokens that they have stored.
Server owners can decide to either set up different types of token, or have everything connected to one token type.
Plugins using TokenBanks:
Dino Colour Commands
Dino Tracker
Player Utilities (by @jraServerAPI)
Item Collector (by @jraServerAPI)
Dino Utilities (by @jraServerAPI)
More TBA
MySQL / MariaDB
What it's supposed to do:
- Store/control tokens in MySQL/MariaDB
- Handle API to other plugins
- Display tokens for players
- More functions to come!
What it's not supposed to do:
- Handle logic for tokens checks
- Other plugins command
Chat: /tokens - Display all tokens for the player
Console & RCON:
AddTokens <steam_id> <amount> <token_type> - Add the specified token type and the token amount
ChangeTokens <steam_id> <amount> <token_type> - Change the specified token type and the token amount (And updates Spent if it's decreasing)
SetTokens <steam_id> <amount> <token_type> - Sets the specified token type and the token amount (Updates only Tokens)
GetPlayerTokens <steam_id> <token_type> - Returns the specified token type and the token amount
ResetTokens - Resets All player's tokens to 0!
For Developers Only:
Token Bank API:
bool TokenBank::Tokens::AddTokens (int amount, uint64 steam_id, std::string type)
Example: TokenBank::Tokens::AddTokens (10, steam_id, command_name)
bool TokenBank::Tokens::SpendTokens (int amount, uint64 steam_id, std::string type)
Example: TokenBank::Tokens::SpendTokens (10, steam_id, command_name)
bool TokenBank::Tokens::SetTokens(uint64 steam_id, int amount std::string type)
Example: TokenBank::Tokens::SpendTokens (10, steam_id, command_name)
int TokenBank::Tokens::GetTokens (uint64 steam_id, std::string type)
Example: TokenBank::Tokens::GetTokens (steam_id, command_name)
int TokenBank::Tokens::GetTotalSpentTokens (uint64 steam_id, std::string type)
TokenBank::Tokens::GetTotalSpentTokens (steam_id, command_name)
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.