This plugin allows you to give only a certain console commands to other players.
Chat Commands:
For example, if you want to allow all players from group 'Moderators' use only 'KickPlayer' and 'InfiniteStats' commands, you need to grant them these permissions: 'Cheat.KickPlayer' and 'Cheat.InfiniteStats'.
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.

Chat Commands:
- /cheat <Console Command> - Executes console command if player has enough permissions. Example:
/cheat infinitestats
- Cheat.<ConsoleCommand> - <ConsoleCommand> is any console command. For example:
All commands usages will be logged to the ARK default log file. It's also possible to enable logging to chat.
Full list of console commands:
For example, if you want to allow all players from group 'Moderators' use only 'KickPlayer' and 'InfiniteStats' commands, you need to grant them these permissions: 'Cheat.KickPlayer' and 'Cheat.InfiniteStats'.
Permissions.Grant Moderators Cheat.KickPlayer
Permissions.Grant Moderators Cheat.InfiniteStats
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.