Lethal Dino Utilities

Paid Lethal Dino Utilities 1.29

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Tweak dino settings and automate some tasks with player preferences


MySQL/MariaDB (required for all features)

* Player preferences for breeding settings
No Ally Looking
Targeting Range High
Set Random Dino Name
Set Player Name as Dino Name
Block Dino Name Prompt
Set Stats as Dino Name
Set Stat Points as Dino Name
  • Force certain dinos to wander by default (helpful for water tame breeding)
  • Allow dino imprint to work for each rider
  • Currently 26 player commands that offer cost/range/value settings (depending on command) per permission group
  • All commands are configurable in the config directly
  • Dino Settings (Global and Dino Specific)
Change personal tame cost
Prevent riding
Prevent Breeding
Change breeding intervals
Change mutation rolls
Change mutation chance
Change mutation points added
* Dino Stats (Global and Dino Specific)
Modify various multipliers for Health, Stamina, Oxygen, Food, Weight, Damage and Speed
Adjust the bonus stats get upon taming
Adjust the bonus imprinting provides
Adjust the bonus each player add point provides
Adjust the bonus each wild point provides
Cap the number of points players can add to a stat (prevent more than 10 player added points in Health for instance)
Cap the number of points (wild+player) that can be added to a stat (prevent more than 60 total Health points for instance)
* Permission Integration
Commands are granted by Permission Groups
Commands can have an ArkShop point cost associated with them
* Cryo Mods
Auto trapped newborn dinos will be imprinted and player breeding settings applied on release the first time.
Ability to block UnCryo'ing dinos on a per map basis.

Player Chat Commands - Permission Group Integration - Most commands have configuration options available
/commands - outputs a list of available commands the player has access to and their specific settings and cost
/settings - override the default settings for dinos when claiming them during breeding (configurable)
/levelhp - level up a dino's health
/levelhp 50 will attempt to level HP 50 times (obeys cap limits)
/levelhp all will put all available points into HP (obeys cap limits)
All stat command work this exact same way
/levelstam - level up a dino's stamina
/leveloxy - level up a dino's oxygen
/levelfood - level up a dino's food
/levelweight - level up a dino's weight
/leveldmg - level up a dino's melee damage
/levelspeed - level up a dino's movement speed
/dinorespec - respec a dino (like a dino mind wipe)
/GenderSwap - changes gender
/Hatch - hatches an egg immediately
/Mate - turns on mating
/MateAOE - turns on mating in a range
/NoMate - turns off mating
/NoMateAOE - turns off mating in a range
/Neuter - neuters the dino
/NeuterAOE - neuters all dinos in range
/Grow - matures the dino
/Imprint - imprints and/or adds imprint quality
/ClaimAOE - claims all dinos in range
/cryo - cryo the dino you are looking at
/cryoaoe - cryo all dinos in range
/cryoaoe theri would only cryo Therizinosaur in range.
/uncryo - uncryo all dinos in your inventory
/uncryo theri would only uncryo pods with a Therizinosaur stored inside.
/resetcd - resets dino breeding cooldown
resetcdaoe - resets breeding cooldown of all dinos in a range

ArkShop Command
shopdinorespec - respec a dino using shop points (you must sell this command in your shop) (configurable)

Console/RCON Commands
LethalDinoUtilities.Reload - reload the config (configurable)
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest reviews

A plugin that allows you to manage a lot of options for dinos, "/" commands which are really very practical and addictive. Another great job, thanks Lethal
Amazing Plugin to give full control on how you want all of your dinos to function, from different stats, to whether or not they can breed, and even things such as Tame Cost (great to reduce the Bob's Tall Tale train). Highly recommend everyone uses this.
For me the top of tops with Lethal loot, infinite options to edit your Dinos and breeding
Top plugin with which you can make countless customisations