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Ark Server Api
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you can search the source code of arkserverapi for functions, a hook works by intercepting the function when it gets called before the server executes the function giving you the ability to modify the return or manipulate the arguments or do your tasks These are the header f...
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Hook Creator Tool V1.0 Overview: this tool allows you to quickly generate hooks for in game server functions saving you a lot of time of having to lookup the argument's / structure's / class's manually. Features: On the fly c++ hook generation by selecting a function Automa...
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Server Api Creator Tool Source Overview: this tool allows you to quickly generate hooks for in game server functions saving you a lot of time of having to lookup the argument's / structure's / class's manually. Features: Ark & Atlas Api...
GSH | MrOwlSky 8/18/2020 12:59 AM
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How to use the Permissions plugin ( from your own plugin: 1) Get Permissions plugin sources from 2) Add a reference to the headers folder ([...]\Ark-Server-Plugins\Permissions\Permissions\Public) in your project properties ("C/C++" -> "General" -> "Additional include directories") 3) Add a reference to the library folder ([...]\Ark-Server-Plugins\Permissions\out_lib) in your project properties ("Linker" -> "General" -> "Additional library directories"). 4) Add the library "Permissions.lib" as additional dependency in your project properties ("Linker" -> "Additional dependencies"). 5) Now open your project file (.vcxproj) with a text editor and add <DelayLoadDLLs>Permissions.dll</DelayLoadDLLs> under every <Link> sections. 6) Add #include "ArkPermissions.h" and #pragma comment(lib, "Permissions.lib") at the beginning of your c++ file. 7) You should now be able to use the Permissions plugin functions (namespace Permissions::). Note 1: You probably want to reference ArkApi library and headers for it to work properly (follow the "ArkApi Basic" tutorial that you'll find at the beginning of this channel). Note 2: This is just how I do it, feel free to dm me if you think this tutorial could be improved. (edited)
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